The ebm-papst Group is the world's leading manufacturer of fans and motors.Since it was founded,the technology company has continuously set global industry standards:from the digital interconnection of electronically controlled EC fans to aerodynamic improvements for fan blades to the use of eco-friendly materials.

  In fiscal year 2017/18,the company achieved sales of almost€2.0 billion.ebm-papst employs over 15,000 people at 28 production sites(e.g.in Germany,China and the US)and in 48 sales offices worldwide.Fans and motors from the world market leader are used in many industries,including ventilation,air conditioning and refrigeration,household appliances,heating,automotive and drive engineering.

  A total of more than 650 engineers and technicians find ideal working conditions here for concentrating their efforts on motor technology,electronics and aerodynamics.The close cooperation between our three central locations and their specialization in different fields are major factors of our success:

  ebm-papst Mulfingen is primarily the home of ventilation,refrigeration and air conditioning expertise.Outstanding new ideas and products,such as energy-efficient GreenTech EC fans with a diameter of up to 1600 mm and energy-saving motors for refrigeration purposes,are always being developed to help save money in all sorts of cooling applications.

  At ebm-papst St.Georgen,activities mainly concentrate on the ongoing advancement of our legendary tubeaxial fans for electronics cooling in the IT and telecommunications sectors.ebm-papst St.Georgen is also a development partner for several major automotive manufacturers.

  And…from refrigerated and deep-freeze cabinets to dryers and ranges:Fans manufactured by ebm-papst Landshut do their job with virtually no noise in a whole variety of household appliances.We have also acquired a leading position in the heating sector,for example with extremely energy-efficient solutions for innovative condensing technology heating systems.

Featured technology & products

Featured Technology

GreenTech innovations: That’s where the future lies!GreenTech EC technology made by ebm-papst is the outstanding product of a consistent efficiency strategy. In technical terms, GreenTech EC technolog...


ebm-papst is a leader in ventilation and drive engineering technology and a much sought-after engineering partner in many industries. With around 20,000 different products, we have the perfect solutio...

We are in China

ebm-papst entered the Chinese market in 1996 and now we’ve established 19 branches and offices across China. The company has passed ISO9001, ISO14001 and IATF16949 certifications. With over 1,900 empl...

We are in Germany

The ebm-papst Group is the world's leading manufacturer of fans and motors. Since it was founded, the technology company has continuously set global industry standards: from the digital interconne...